
Showing posts from December, 2018

What Is Data Analytics?

Data Analysis Plan for Quantitative and Qualitative Research: Data Analytics is the quest of excavating an understanding or inference from unprocessed data via dedicated computer applications. These applications alter, shape, and model the data to infer deductions and ascertain patterns. Although Data Analytics can be uncomplicated, nowadays the term is most frequently used to define the study of huge capacities of data ( quantitative data analysis and qualitative data analysis ) and/or high-speed data, which offers unique mathematical and data-juggling obstacles. Proficient data analytics pros who essentially possess a strong know-how in business statistics, are known as data scientists. [ Click Here To Continue Reading ] United Kingdom: +44-1143520021 India: + 91 9176966556 Email: Visit:

Characteristics & Steps of Qualitative Data Analysis

Characteristics of Qualitative Data Analysis: Rooted in phenomenology, symbolic interaction Field work, ethnography, naturalistic, Open Questions, Small Samples (open Ended and Tess Structured) Tools: Interactive Interviews Flexible and Evolving Emergent Focus Natural Settings Flexible Research design Settings are natural and familiar Subjective in nature Mode: Inductive by researcher Focus is quality (nature, essence) Steps of Qualitative Data Analysis: Prepare and organize data Explore data thru coding Use codes to develop description and themes Represent findings thru narratives and visuals Interpret findings Validate accuracy of findings Read More: United Kingdom: +44-1143520021 India: + 91 9176966556 Email: Visit:

End-To-End Dissertation Statistical Services

End-To-End Dissertation Statistical Services 1. Research Planning & Methodology 2. Transcription 3. Data Collection & Data Mining 4. Meta-Analysis 5. Power Sample Size Calculation 6. Peer Reviewing of Statistical 7. Report Generation Read More: United Kingdom: +44-1143520021 India: + 91 9176966556 Email: Visit:

A Short Guide For Researchers/Scholars Interested In A Statistics

Characteristics & Steps of Quantitative Data Analysis Select The Research Design Identify the population Select the sample Conduct a Pilot Study Collect The data Organize The Data Analyse the Data Read More: United Kingdom: +44-1143520021 India: + 91 9176966556 Email: Visit:

Tips For Doing Data Analysis

Tips for doing Data Analysis: 1. Form clear, specific and concise hypothesis. 2. Automate repetitive analysis with syntax. 3. Note that there is no such thing as bad results. 4. Select your analysis carefully. 5. Check assumptions before you analyze. 6. Accept that you may not find significance. 7. Base your hypothesis in theory. 8. Never perform analysis on the master copy of your data. 9. Prune Data before #analysis, making is easier to focus on analysis. Read More: United Kingdom: +44-1143520021 India:  + 91 9176966556 Email: Visit: